Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Case Study No # 7 - (www.jewelry4aces.com)

Case Study: Jewelry4Aces.com

"When you see a user giving you results, there's nothing to argue about."
Ilan Yogev, Marketing Manager

Ilan Yogev has one of those stories that you would see featured in a magazine article that gets you dreaming. Coming from a background in the field of engineering, Yogev started dabbling in a website that exploited his most unique and valuable talent: picking out that perfect gift. Simply put: "I was good at picking out gifts for my friends" he says "so I figured I could use my skill on other people's friends too." Anyone who has spent time wandering lost amongst the Barbies and Tonka Truck aisles of a toy store or fingering a flat wallet while eyeing a set of diamond earrings will understand the value of the kind of service that Ilan can provide. And that's how getgifting.com was born. "Turns out that there is a lot of demand" he says.

What began as a hobby for Ilan soon turned in to a new, marketable skill set as he learned the ins and outs of search engine optimization. He began working as an SEO for other companies, including the producers of jewelry4aces.com-- a site manufacturing and marketing fine jewelry themed especially for card playing enthusiasts. Eventually, he rose to the position of Marketing Manager in the company and was able to quit his job as an engineer to focus full time on his internet work.

Yogev uses ClickTale on jewelry4aces.com as well as on his own getgifting.com site. In both cases, he uses the system to see how people navigate their way around. He originally thought that people were not leaving their e-mail address for a response from getgifting.com because of a fear of spam. ClickTale showed him that, in fact, many people were not reaching the end of his form so he moved the e-mail request to the top of the page. This information, he says, he would have never learned from a regular analytics program.

On jewelry4aces.com, ClickTale provided indisputable evidence for the design changes that were long overdue. The recordings revealed that the internal/external scroll design was not properly used by the site's visitors, so the menu and gallery were re-laid out in a much more user-friendly fashion that allows people to see more of the jewelry. The design and color scheme of jewelry4aces.com is atypical when compared to the site design of other fine jewelry manufacturers and marketers. Because of this, jewelry4aces' team felt that if might be a risk to deviate from the norm. SEOs often have disagreements with designers about this kind of thing, Yogev says. However, ClickTale's videos were able to prove that the changes were successful whereas other analytics sites, which only provide 'dry info' would not have been able to attest to the user experience. "When you see a user giving you results, there's nothing to argue about."

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